CTO for several start-ups, focus on SaaS applications. Focus on awesome UX, API-first, Python/Django and remote-teams. Nice track record.
Intro / About me

I have co-founded some startups, build a dozen web applications from scratch and worked on a wallet app for a big German car company.

I'm looking for

Co-founders, Business partnerships, Growth hackers, CEO, CFO, CSO & CMO for spin-offs, Python developers, React developers, sparring partner; cool people

I offer

CTO background, Expertise in launching web applications and SaaS development, software engineering knowledge, remote team recruiting

Jobs Listings
CTO needed for Automagically

We are helping developers to focus on the core of web applications as we take care of connecting and managing external Services and APIs

Co-Founder Developer (backend)
Growth Hacker & CMO needed for B2B SaaS Webapplikation(en)

Entwicklung von B2B SaaS Applikationen, datengetriebene Landingpages & Growth Marketing, Ausgründung der spannendsten Ideen

Co-Founder Marketing Manager
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